Parents in the Mirror
When the Children Cry
When the children cry
Hold their hand
Their only young
Help them understand
When the children cry
Console their thoughts
Don't leave them distraught
When the children cry
Hold them close
For in any circles
We love them most
When the children cry
Disperse their fear
Dry their eyes
Their young felt tears
When the children cry
When a Child is Born
When a child is born
In their years that lie ahead
All we ever want for them
Is to watch their happiness spread
Catch their very first step
Be there in case they fall
Hear their very first word
It makes you tear, but you feel so tall
You hold them by the hand
On their very first day at school
Another part of their journey
Our little family jewel
Then it's off to high school
Where they change from year to year
Their heading into the big wide world
It's when we start to fear
This is where us parents look back
And admire the kids we've raised
Our desire to see them prosper and grow
Fills us with inner praise
For as our kids are growing
Our years grow with them too
We do our best like all the rest
Us parents, me and you
Another Lonely Child
A lost little boy
Silhouette in black
He overlooks the city
That won't take him back
An unloved orphan
Cast out by his kin
Will there be somebody out there
Who will take this boy in
A rabbit watches
As the birds fly above
On the branch of a tree
Sits a solitary dove
What are they thinking
As they watch this little boy
Cast out by his family
His soul in destroy
There are so many children
In so many places
Abandoned and left
No memory of their faces
Learning to Spell - for the Education game
When i went two skool
Mi speling woz bad
The wurds i found
Wer hard, maid me sad
The teechers tryed
Thay did ther bezt
Wif a little help
Wif a few moore testes
My speling got better
Az they took ther time
With many classes
I turned out fine
I was reading and writing
Like never before
My results were high
Like never before
Their dedication
Continuance of support
For my education
This poem goes out
To my English teachers
If it was not for them
I'd have no poetry features
Thank you Nara Shevanna for tagging, i enjoyed writing this.
I now tag Doris Culverhouse to write a poem on education.

She Dreamt Again
In her darken dreams again
Just like shes had before
Riding a jet black stallion
Naked from the clothes she wore
In the repetition of her dreams
She has never been alone
For the same two knights on horseback
Are following in her roam
They ride into a clearing
And always up ahead
It's the running of a child
Is she alive or is she dead
She gallops up beside her
A girl so young and blond
Carrying a beautiful flower
Once again has she gone beyond
She leans down to grab her
Screaming she can not reach
She was just about to touch her
As she awakens from her sleep
Does this have a hidden meaning
Has she known this girl before
For every time she reaches out
She gets closer than before
The Lost Rose and the Barb
The day I met her
My mind was blown
For in my heart
In pumping growing
She made me laugh
And sometimes we cried
When it all went wrong
We always tried
It's been many years
More downs than ups
She's no longer my kitten
I'm no longer her pup
The girl I met
All those years ago
Has disappeared
No more after glow
We are no longer
The beautiful garb
To me she is now
The Lost Rose and the Barb
The Day my Heart Floated Away
Years and tears
High and lows
Courting, smooching
Our loving grows
We meet after work
Go for drinks
Meet our friends
Our hearts in sync
Holidays we take
Our excitement grows
Parents to be
Our first one shows
Parents we are
Over the moon
Three more times
In your mother cocoon
Their now teenagers and older
Where we are the same
Two individual pictures
But not in the same frame
Our day to day ripples
Like stones thrown in a pond
Are the distant memories
When we used to respond
To look back on our yesterdays
As if it was today
For now it seems
The day my heart floated away
And the Rose Faded
Once upon a time
In many peoples lives
Males met a female
And they turned into wives
The garden was so fertile
Many seeds were sown
So many lawns were laid
Our spirits having grown
Undulations rise
As relationships recede
Do we finally reach
That point of exceed
This garden can no longer
Grow green, prosper and true
It's like the Autumn season
It can die in front of you
Ones soul can be so broken
Just like it has been raided
When your levy breaks
You know your rose has faded
Different Hearts, Beat on Different Strings
How different we are
And in the way we act
In love and romance
A heart filled pact
It can start out so good
To a thunderous applause
And fall by the wayside
Just because
Corners are turned
Sometimes we go the same way
And sometimes round the same corner
We can go slightly astray
At the start of it all
To the table we bring
But somewhere along the road
Different hearts, beat on different strings
Trust in your fear
As it speaks with a voice
Or you'll be left in pieces
With no longer a choice
For your fear will take over
In vociferous chant
To pieces you will collapse
In meandering rant
So when ever this word
Called fear appears
Don't fall to pieces
Or your soul disappears
True Friendship
Eternal, ever lasting
Infinity be
Cities of Refuge
Perpetrators who
Commit manslaughter could claim
Asylum, if found
Innocent after
Trial. This was the case in
Ancient kingdoms like
Israel, Judah
And others. They came to be
Cities of Refuge