Dragon Cloud
Picture the scene
In the Arizona sun
A column of rock
Upon it a Dragon stands
Created by nature
Moisture and vapour
An artist would marvel
To portray it on paper
This beast of beasts
On ceremonial stance
Looking down on the land
In its staring trance
This mystical creature
Seems out of place
On indigenous lands
Their tribal place
Through out our world
Nature always amazes
Showing different pictures
In many places
So all you poets
Who are photo takers
Upload them now
As were story makers
" inspired by an amazing photo sent to me by Carolyn
which is on my blog if you care to view "

Bed of Roses
See the red
Through the light
And the light
Through the red
This delightful shade
As natures fed
With petals of silk
It's folds so fine
Emerald green stems
Thorn like spine
Scented so sweet
Aromatic flow
This queen of flowers
A regal grow
This plant of plants
Delights our noses
In their wonderful setting
Bed of Roses
Sakura Trees
Japanese Gardens
Blossoms radiate in bloom
Pink petals delight

Atmospheric show
Electrical veins preview
Thunderous applause
Mount Pinatubo
Just like mushroom clouds
Massive plumes of hot ash are
Eruption Columns

The Rains Will Come
In the region of famine
As the tree's lie bare
Cloudless skies
Look down and stare
Barren lands
Arid and starched
Plants and wildlife
Forever parched
Come the day for the rains
To grace the earth again
For the droplets of life
Will end their strife
Arid to green
Dormant alive
This remarkable fluid
Falls like tears from our eyes
Reading Raul's Region of Famine prompted this poem.
Multicolour Arc
Spectrum of true arc
Sevenfold of color wow
Rainbow arch in awe
Meandering blues
Zig zagging natures terrain
Oozing beauty amor
Habitat, theirs or ours
As our habitat grows
Is it our selfishness
Do we think of the wildlife
In our world of bliss
The cougar will encroach
On our habitat grounds
And because he is there
Will we take him down
And the Duskey Seaside Sparrow
What of she
We have blanked her existence
From all living tree's
As all creatures will hear
From the words below
As we encroach on your habitat
Future years will show
We must learn now
For tomorrow's too late
How many in my lifetime
Through the extinction gate
Peace, Like the Still Pond
The glass like effect I see on ponds
Is earths peace, nature need not respond
How awesome it would be for this image to stay
For warring countries, to bow and pray
Neighbour's get on in harmony
Be at peace as it should be
Families love and get along
As we do more rights and fewer wrongs
Lives to spin and revolve, as our modern world turns
To stand up proud, as we live and learn
Honour peace as we all respond
Peace, like the still Pond
Inspired by Raul's " Nature's Reflections "
The King will come
The desire of wings
On this regal of birds
Mountain roaming
Near the top of the world
Gracing our skies
For more than
A thousand years
From the crack of dawn
This royalty peer
Eyes wide open
As it scans the land
Pray in the open
Where it rarely stands
It captures the moment
In stealth swoop
Talons of death
In wanting scoop
Quarry silent
Hunger crave
The glide of the wings
Like surfing a slow wave
If we delight the mountains
Admire what we see
Admire her nature
In spiritual glee
On the horizon
In delightful flow
What i have waited to see
Excites me so
A golden eagle
Heads for me
As if to fly past
And compliment me
For my mission this day
To stand and joyfully hum
The king will come
Whales for Tomorrow
Deep blue sea mammals
Cetaceans so grand
Its hard to believe
They originated on land
Dolphins, porpoises
Our many Whales
What ever size
Beautiful in sail
Toothed and baleen
Identifies them
Plankton feeders
Echolocation gems
To stop the hunting
It's a must
Protect the whales
In us they trust
To have a world
Where the whales have gone
All other species will think
It won't be long
Krill in abundance,
Shrimp like creatures bloom oceans;
Blue whales scoop and sieve.
Orca, killer whale,
Hunter in our blue oceans;
Swimming with the pack.
Sky of crispy blue
Frosted crystals translucent
Whiten surroundings
Fly like an Eagle
Fly like an Eagle
Soaring so high
On thermal winds
On the open sky
Pride in their glide
Awesome in pose
Downward wings
Upward flows
The elegant Eagle
Feathered in brown
Spanned for flight
A bird so right
To stand below
And look above
This bird of birds
I've grown to love
The Mane male of the Pride
Panthera so proud,
His lioness bows with pride:
King of the jungle.
Birds of Prey
Birds of prey
With eagle eyes
Spot their prey
And down they dive
Talons lead
Wings spread
Clinical grab
Rabbit dead
Like winged royalty
These feathered kings
Majestic in flight
Superiority reigns
Buzzards, Falcons Hawks and Kites
In flight, my what a sight
Glide and float on thermal breeze
Like lookouts as they top the tree's
As they patrol their kingdoms skies
Terrain watching with their eyes
Movement in the undergrowth
Its natures wish, you pray for them both
This feathered friend
Was new to thee
Until Sara Kendrick
Introduced me
It's the Whip-poor-will
Delightful nigh-jar bird
Who forage at night
During the day, rarely heard
Of mottled plumage
In blacks and browns
Deciduous habitats
But rarely towns
This beautiful bird
Departing souls it catches
But in our heart
Admiration as it latches
Lavender Pillows
Pale to light purple
Wild blooms carpet natures floors
Lavender pillows